Morning everyone (or evening where you are), it's Monday and there is a hot gusty SW wind blowing today. Ugh... We have had lots of SW winds this summer, it seems, which is rather odd. Because Nelson is coastal we usually get a cooling sea breeze each afternoon, but not this year!
John has gone for a walk and then our usual weekly personal training session for 30 minutes (without me, sob!). I am here keeping an eye on Chester. I have to say it will be so good when we can take him with us to public places like parks, rivers etc. Thank heavens we have a paddock we can exercise him in (only 30 minutes a day still at this age), we would be going completely stir-crazy on a small inner-city section. My only wish is that we had a full fenced section so we could just let him wander out the front door, but this is just not possible. Our paddock is almost fully fenced - there's a gap where we take debris through to our next door neighbour's paddock where he has a burn-off each year. I'm thinking we may need to put a gate across it and one at the top where the paddock meets the house garden area. Sorry Ruth, yes we still haven't done a map of our section so you and others can visualise what I'm talking about - maybe that could be a winter project for John? To fence the area that leads from our house to our drive that goes straight down to the road and in the other direction right down to the pond would just be far too costly. I hope you are now not too totally confused?? Giggle..
Today I desperately need to do some potting on of herb seedlings and I need to sow some more seeds too. I also have to try to finish or at least almost finish Jessie's 21st gift tag today too. John will be out until lunchtime so I think my afternoon will be full! I'd better go and check on the dog, it's very quiet in the living room and he has just started getting up on our sofas to sleep, when we're not looking. This means ''Chester, outside'' (for a few minutes at a time) in very firm tones so he gets the message the sofa is not his territory! It's interesting watching him test his boundaries slightly more each day. It's also interesting getting him to do outside as I refuse to do the ''drag by the collar'' thing as that is too mean. We get the lead instead, if he won't come.. stubborn boy! Needless to say it's tiring for us too! What can I say - he is LOVELY! Smiles..