Hi there, this photo was taken by Lyn on Saturday night, just as we were leaving after having a lovely dinner - I look tired and believe me I was, but I really like this photo. We madly love driving with the top down on cold nights (can you see the beginnings of frost on the windows?), it is such fun. Believe it or not we are quite warm down in the car especially with the heater blasting full bore on us. My favourite thing to do is to tip by head back and gaze at the stars and that's just what I did.
Yesterday afternoon I transplanted the other two red currants, after doing battle root couch, giggle. I also got a couple of other areas weeded and got the rest of the compost out of the back of our 4wd ute. I've been putting all the weeds onto our trailer (not sure what you call these in the States) so John hitched it to the ute and off we went (with me sitting on the back tray of the ute, I love doing that too) across the paddock and up the other side, well almost... giggle.. Yes, you guessed it, we got well and truly bogged. I think the wheels of the ute were around 12" down in the mud. We emptied the trailer using a pitchfork and garden fork - walking over to where we wanted to dump it - and then I went back up to the house. It wasn't long before I heard John returning in the ute which was just wonderful as we were thinking it would have to stay there until the ground dried up again, around early summer! I'll post a photo of poor Bartok (ute) tomorrow. Oh that's another thing I haven't mentioned, we have names for all of our vehicles. They are named after various composers - hmmm just another quirk we have, giggle. More about that another time.
Today I am back out in the kitchen garden, digging a narrow garden on the west side of the garden shed for the passionfruit vine I want to plant later this year. I also need to plant some more pak choi and broccoli plants today too. Oooh as I'm typing this a chaffinch is eyeing up the new feeding station. I hope it won't be long before they get brave enough to use it. Smiles..