Hi, just a quick post today because I am off out to see Melva (my friend who is a wonderful botanist and is losing her memory) for a couple of hours. To be honest I'm battling with myself a bit because I would so dearly love to stay at home and garden because the weather is so gorgeous and it's going to rain again on Sunday (big sigh!!). I know how much it means to her that I go though.
I promised to show her some photographs of the garden, bless her heart. I'm so happy she wants to see it because it means I can share the photos with you too. Here are four more.
The first one is looking left from the bottom of the verandah outside our bedroom towards my studio. The second is just a bit further around to the right. Third is a shot of the garden beside our garage (you can see Clematis armandii in flower on the right hand side) and fourth is a close-up of the hellebores on the corner of the raised garden by the garage. More tomorrow.. Big smiles and off I go!