Hi and phew what a busy day I had in the garden yesterday! I managed to get the raspberry patch thoroughly weeded and then turned around to start on the blueberry patch.
I planted five blueberry bushes in this one bed about 4 years ago and two seasons ago we got a great crop that went on and on, just from two of the bushes. The other two never really did take off - not helped by Mr Hare who kept helping himself to the branches. Ugh! I have since replaced a couple of them but to no avail. I have them in perfect soil conditions (they love acidic soil), they are very well mulched but except for one, they just aren't thriving. Yesterday I realised this is an understatement - one of the larger ones has died completely so really I only have one healthy specimen. They do have to compete with couch grass and I think this could be part of the problem but there's not much I can do about that . I do keep it under control but the roots are so hard to get rid of completely. Sigh! I think I will just have to look after the one healthy bush and forget the others. Sometimes plants simply don't thrive no matter what you do - perhaps a personality clash!??!! Giggle.
John spent a lot of time weedeating yesterday morning including in the kitchen garden and also mowed lots of the paddock on the ride-on and used the motor mower for my KG paths. All in all the rroperty looks lovely even though there is still more lawn to mow and garden to weed. Today I'm heading back out to the blueberry patch to get rid of as much couch grass as I can.
I hope this post isn't boring - all I am talking about is weeding! Crikey!
It's another beautiful, beautiful day and I have put my nursery sign out again today just to see if I can tempt a customer or two. Yesterday one car came up the drive and I got very excited - it was a neighbour coming to see the nursery and yes, you guessed it, I ended up giving him some forget-me-not seedlings, one hardy geranium that seeds very well and some bog sage (a lovely salvia) for his bees (he and his son have hives on their property).. hmmm ah well, I couldn't bear to sell him the hardy geranium because he's a neighbour. Maybe I need to harden up!!!! Giggle..
Time to open my studio and throw myself into the garden head first! Smiles..