..a little and I'm sure they are heaving a big sigh of relief, as are we! As much as I love having garden groups visiting the garden it is quite a lot of work. I must take a moment to thank my dear hubby John who makes sure the lawns always look fabulous before a garden group visits. Garden groups aren't really his thing so it means a lot to me.
I truly appreciate his patience with my constant gardening and also leaving things lying around because I've suddenly remembered something I have to do while I'm in the middle of doing something else (hence the whiteboard markers on the windowsill of the bedroom this morning.. ack!). Somehow I think I've always been this way. I seem to recall constantly losing things as a child because I'd dropped them somewhere when I suddenly decided to do the next task at hand, crikey!! Looking back I think I get this attribute from my darling Dad, bless his heart so it's just a part of him in me which is lovely.
The first members of the garden group arrived at 6pm and the rest at 6.30pm. They sat down immediately to eat their picnic tea at the top of the hill looking down to our pond. There were 23 people in all (25 counting us) which is pretty amazing. After eating I judged the decorated hats (men and women, very cute) then I gave them a tour of the garden. We started in the kitchen garden and worked out way back. I didn't sell many plants which surprised me a bit but there we are. They left around 8.45pm and we collapsed onto the couch.
Here's a photo of them having their picnic, also one of part of the group in the kitchen garden.
Great photo John!! Today I am going to take stock a little. I need to make a list of all the things I want to get done in the garden, plus things I need to do for Christmas which is sneaking up fast. I've just realised I will be putting our Christmas tree up in 1.5 weeks, wow! Time is flying. I really really REALLY must get my christmas cards made by the end of this week! Eeeeek. Smiles..