Hi there, it's late Thursday morning and I'm just back from having my hair trimmed. Yesterday I fully intended to post again, telling you about our trip to the beach on Tuesday but I didn't get a chance. After three hours of very hot! gardening we had lunch and then headed out to do the grocery shopping.
We had a lovely time at the beach. John got home around 11.30am and we were at the beach close to 12pm. I leapt straight into the sea - the tide was high and it was DIVINE! I started off taking my body board out but then came back in to shore to leave it behind. I'm not really a mad sea swimmer and my shoulder is stopping me from doing my favourite stroke, backstroke but I did manage to do some breaststroke and a little bit of freestyle which I'm sure was good for my shoulder. After lunch John came in for a swim too which was lovely. Caroline (neighbour) joined us at about 1.30pm and before we knew it it was almost 2.30pm and we decided to come home. I think we were both feeling pretty sunbaked even with copious amounts of sunblock on. I also built a sandcastle - one is NEVER too old to do this in my eyes.
I'm off to the beach again in about 30mins time. It is far too hot to be able to garden so the best place for me is under a sun umbrella on the beach. I don't really like going by myself because I have to take my glasses off to go swimming and this means I can't really see if anyone is ransacking my things (not that anyone would, after all we're all in the same boat on the beach with carkeys in our bags). I will take a chance today though and just do it.
Late yesterday (6.20pm) the temp hit 35.1 degrees C which is just plain ridiculous - too too too hot! Rain is forecast on Monday and I truly hope it happens. The fire danger throughout New Zealand is reaching extreme levels and there have been fires around the Auckland region which is more or less unheard of. Today is supposed to be even hotter. Ugh... off to the beach I go, I just need to make some lunch. Smiles..