Hi and happy easter everyone. It's 11am on Easter Sunday and I have just finished giving the bedroom a really good dust and vacuum. Crikey there is so much dust in this house and I think it's contributing to the feeling of asthma I've had lately. Hmmm there was no putting it off any longer, housework calls me today. I know it seems like a strange thing to do at on Easter Sunday which traditionally is a family day. As you know my sister and Mum live in New Plymouth (two plane rides away) and my stepson is busy with the wine harvest in Blenheim so it's just me and John. Hehe, actually it's just me because John is helping a friend move house today.
Yesterday was the last afternoon at the Sales Store, thank heavens. It is now closed permanently and I will be working in the main store and the outlet store now. I am in the middle of a bit of a spin because after saying he would do his best to make sure I have Mondays and Thursdays off (as per what he promised when he offered me the job, which hasn't happened yet) he has me rostered on the next two Thursdays from 9-3 when my nursery is advertised as being open on that day from 10-4. When I queried him about it rather forcefully he muttered that he couldn't change it for the next two weeks but would try after that. After a lot of thought and talking to John too I am going to tell Gareth on Tuesday that if he can't sort out the roster so I can have those days off as he promised, I will have to resign. I hope it doesn't come to that because the extra money is the exact amount we need and I DO love selling such beautiful products, but I have to stick to my guns because it will only take a couple of people to say ''well she wasn't open when she said she was'' and my little business will go down the drain totally!
Today I am going to do the rest of the housework and then I have a couple of punnets of vegetables to plant - more rainbow chard and some spring onions. We woke to rain this morning - brief but heavy, yay!! Back to the vacuum cleaner I must go!! Smiles... chocolate ones...