...... post a photograph of me in my tutu? I can't remember so here it is now (apologies if I'm repeating it, giggle).. It's a little out of focus because it was taken on my iPhone.
This is the tutu I tried on in a ballet shop in New Plymouth while I was there. I spent quite a lot of time in the shop and the ex-ballet teacher that runs it was such a honey. I went round a corner and saw a pile of these gorgeous black tutus - next thing she was insisting I try it on and ''do you have your phone with you so I can take a photo?''. Gulp! She even put me in a pose on the stage to do it! Ermm can I admit that it felt WONDERFUL! I ermmed and aaahed for a couple of days about it because I REALLY wanted to buy it - in the end I decided life is just too short so I must, it's all part of living the dream! It's hanging in my wardrobe at the moment - well when I say hanging, more like bunched up! I told the other girls at ballet last Friday when we practised and they are insisting I bring it into class, gulp!
I'm busy in the farm shed today, pricking out seedlings. I've also started working on the last gift tags (yesterday) for Pete's order and am about to do the tea light holders. I'm very excited about them and can't wait.
I must fly.. so much to do and ballet practise this pm too! Smiles..