Hi honeys, just when I thought this week couldn't get any more traumatic for my soft heart, Matilda our lovely elderly english game hen (at least 8 if not older) is in heart failure as I'm typing this. I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was a bit concerned about her because her face was a little dark and she looked as though she was breathing more heavily than normal. She has been very spritely and happy since then and seemed to have come right. Yesterday afternoon I did my usual ''showing the girls where to find slugs and slaters under a lot thing'' and Matilda had a feast. You can imagine my shock when we went down to do Sebastian's eyes this morning only to find Matilda sitting in the chook house with her eyes closed, looking as though she was having trouble breathing. John had to rush off to work and I was going out to ballet so I cuddled her for 10 minutes and then put her back in the chook house where she was comfortable.
We don't want to euthanase her just in case she rallies because she is a tough little thing. My heartstrings are being tugged every which way - part of me wants to help her by euthanasing her but the other part of me knows it's actually quite hard to get right (from previous experience) and that would just be too awful. We know the correct method to use but it's still traumatic, especially if it doesn't work first time. What with that and Sebastian I don't think I can take much more this week. This is all part of having living creatures and one thing is for sure, we give ours the best life possible! What will be, will be. If she hasn't rallied by this evening we will have to help her go. So sad.
I've just come back from doing 1.5 hours gardening for my neighbour. It gave me some ''mind'' down-time which I needed very much. I have such a soft heart when it comes to animals - I always put myself in their place.
I need to go and sow some seeds, then I will do some pricking out if I have time before I walk the dog. Here's to tomorrow when I will share some lovely photographs I took this week. Smiles..