Hi honeys, well it's been a LONG time since I've posted yet again - where have the past few weeks gone? I, for one, am gobsmacked that we are in December already! This year just seems to have flown by.
As you know I have been working hard towards my ballet exam and I'm happy to say the exam was on Sunday the 2nd. It went well.. with only a couple of minor hiccups due to nerves. I've always been one to get ''exam freeze'' - I remember knowing as much as I possibly could for my school exams but the minute I headed into the exam hall and sat down at the desk my mind would just freeze over and every ounce of knowledge was blanked out! Most frustrating. I'm not quite as bad re ballet exams but there is still an element of ''eekdom'' that goes on inside my head during it.
I've been madly shipping orders away too but I'm about to have a break from that. Monday is my last shipping day this year, mainly due to the Christmas period. Freight gets really iffy for the two weeks before Christmas so I'm just hoping all goes smoothly next week. I'll start shipping again on 16 January which will give me a break to catch up with some gardening and add more to my website etc. I absolutely adore what I'm doing and love sending my plants all round the country, it's just been fairly hard work for the past few months. At some stage I may have to look at employing someone but not yet.
While I'm typing this, it's raining which is WONDERFUL. I don't mind if it rains regularly throughout the entire summer. Summer is my least favourite month, I truly struggle with our sun and can't stand working in it for more than around 5 minutes. If you're reading this overseas, NZ sun is so strong, you can get sunburnt within about 5 minutes if not sooner. Ugh! We had a very dry September/October and didn't get much rain in November so things are looking up at the moment. It smells wonderful!!
I'd better go and do some work. Smiles..